Secure, fast and on time

Your car­go needs to ar­rive on the fas­test way at the fi­nal des­ti­na­tion?

In that case our air­freight pro­duct is exact­ly what you need (oder: what you are loo­king for) We ar­range daily world­wide air ship­ments of all dif­fe­rent types of car­go and of­fer also all ad­di­tio­nal nee­ded ser­vices like cus­toms clea­rance, pa­cking or ware­hou­sing. Due to our world­wide net­work we are al­so able to ar­range all kind of cross bor­der ship­ments or com­bined trans­ports such as sea air. Our cus­to­mers take ad­van­tage of our long las­ting con­tacts with the world­wide agents and the air­lines.


Of course we can ar­range the com­plete range from exW to DDP to and from al­most any coun­try of the world. But due to our ex­pe­rience we al­so offer you pre-sales con­sul­tan­cy as with some com­pany coun­tries a few in­co­terms might bring you into trouble.

Fast is still too slow?

Call us for our on­board cou­rier ser­vice. Your car­go will be ac­com­pa­nied by one of our ex­pe­rien­ced staff mem­ber and boo­ked as bag­gage on the next reach­able flight. Of course we can also ar­range the cus­toms clea­rance upon ar­ri­val and can go straight from the air­port to your cho­sen point of des­ti­na­tion.

Pro­ject car­go

You have re­gu­lar just-in-time de­li­ve­ries or a cer­tain num­ber of ship­ments which needs to ar­rive exact­ly in a given pe­riod in fixed days be­cause other­wise the prog­ress of your pro­jects get into trouble? Play safe! Get to­ge­ther with us and we are go­ing to cre­ate a de­tailed plan exact­ly fit­ting your needs and also take into con­si­de­ra­tion your Spe­cial wi­shes or cir­cum­stan­ces gi­ven by route, coun­tries or car­riers.

Tran­sit Ship­ments

Your car­go ar­ri­ved by sea and you need to have it trans­por­ted by air else­where? Or vice versa? Whe­ther you need to have a tran­sit ar­ran­ged by air, sea or truck we can ar­ran­ge the tran­sit hand­ling at any air­port or har­bour. This gives you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re-sell or use out of the EU with­out ha­ving to pay for du­ties or VAT.

If you are in­te­res­ted in this do not he­si­tate to con­tact us and we can ad­vise you the pos­si­bi­li­ties or give you an offer for a cur­rent ship­ment.

You want to learn more?

Con­tact us!


Whe­ther it is con­so­li­da­ted ser­vice, de­di­ca­ted trucks,

hea­vy or over­size trans­ports or may the hot shot with a van from Hamburg to Naples.

We do have the so­lu­tion for your needs.

Ex­plain your situa­tion and our team of ex­perts will Ana­lyse the pos­si­ble so­lu­tions and pre­sent you in de­tail what choi­ces you have.


    Hand­ling, sto­rage & trans­port of va­lu­able goods


    All va­lu­able goods are sto­red in our guarR­ded Ware­house


    When trans­por­ting all va­lu­able goods, the most strin­gent safe­ty measu­res are ad­he­red to


    All our trans­ports are in­su­red with one of the lar­gest In­su­rance Com­pa­nies


    We car­ry con­fi­den­tial Do­cu­ments, re­search Re­sults, Con­tract Do­cu­ments and other va­lu­able goods


    Our Com­pa­ny has ma­ny years ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of trans­port of va­lu­able goods


    Im­port and Cou­rier de­li­ve­ries


    Ex­port pro­ces­sing on ex­port of goods


    Ex­port Ser­vice, CAR­NET ATA CHECK-IN


    In­di­vi­dual de­li­ve­ry So­lu­tion



In the CAR­GO CITY SOUTH, we have ober 1200 M² of Ware­house Space. This is ful­ly ap­proved as a cus­toms De­po­sit.


One part is u­sed as a Trans­ship­ping Bea­ring, an the other part as a Dis­tri­bu­tion Bea­ring.


Here we of­fer you:


    In­ter­me­diate Sto­rahe in the cus­toms Ware­house


    Long-Term Sto­rae


    Pa­cking and re­packa­ging your goods






Whe­ther your Ship­ment is to be de­li­ve­red to­day, to­mor­row or only in a few Days: We al­ways have a suit­able So­lu­tion for our Cus­to­mers.


We of­fer the fol­lo­wing Cus­toms Clea­rance Ser­vi­ces:


    Cus­toms clea­rance of your Im­ports and Ex­ports


    Ob­tai­ning Im­port and Ex­port Li­cen­ces


    Apply and car­ry out ac­tive and pas­sive fi­ni­shing


    Es­tab­lish­ment and Main­te­nance of open cus­toms Ware­hou­ses


    Com­pre­hen­sive ad­vice on pre­fe­ran­ces, Pro­hi­bi­tions / Re­stric­tions, Ta­riffs, etc.


    Fis­cal re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on in all EU mem­ber Sta­tes



Trans­port by sea is im­por­tant for glo­bal Net­wor­king as it ac­counts for more than 79 % of Cross-Bor­der Trade in goods.

The sea freight has bee part of our Bu­si­ness for many years.

WITAL Air Car­go GmbH has the pos­si­bi­li­ty to offer you sea freight transS­ports LCL and FCL from Ger­ma­ny and nu­me­rous eu­ro­pean Coun­tries world­wide.

Do you have any Ques­tions on this sub­jecz, do you need ad­vice or a Non-Bin­ding Of­fer? We are loo­king for­ward to re­cei­ving your call or E-Mail.

Would you like to find out more?

We are pleased about your In­qui­ry.